Below are specified main points of our privacy policy.
- We'll never sell your information, or data derived from it, to a third party.
- We'll never use personal data to create profiles.
- We collect as little personal information as possible.
- Organizers of competitions or events will receive email addresses of the participants.
- You can request to have all your account disabled.
- Information in brackets, competition participants, statistics, news, highest belts and other official information will not be removed or hidden.
- Your name, nationality and academy will usually be available to public if you participate in a competition or event.
- Your contact information is always private and we'll never display it in public.
- All data is stored in a database in the same server as our web service.
- Passwords are run through one way hash function before they are sent to our server from your browser. Our server salts the hash and runs the results through another one way hash function before they are saved to database.
- All monetary transactions go through a third party provider. No credit card or banking information is saved to our service.
If you have concerns or questions about our privacy policy or about your data please contact us at