Last day to sign up is 20.10.2019.
Participation fee
25,00 € until 6.10.2019
35,00 € until 13.10.2019
45,00 € until 20.10.2019
You have to log in to sign up to the competition.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Senior Finnish Open 2019 at the Riihimäen Urheilutalo, Riihimäki, October 26th, 2019.
The BJJ Senior Finnish Open 2019 is a competition organized for all the fighters born 1983 or before.
The FBJJF sponsors the male colored belt champions (7 pcs), all the male absolute category champions (2 pcs) and the female absolute category champions (2 pcs) with 100 euros for the traveling costs to the IBJJF European Open 2020.
By enrolling in this competition the athlete agrees to follow the antidoping guidelines set by the Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports (FINCIS) and the rules of the Finnish Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (FBJJF).
Jokainen kilpailija on velvoitettu ymmärtämään ja noudattamaan Suomen antidopingsäännöstä sekä sen periaatteita: .
Invitation for Fighters
BJJ Senior Finnish Open 2019
October 26th, 2019
Riihimäen Urheilutalo
Pohjolankatu 6
11120 Riihimäki
Finnish Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation
Male Seniors White Belts 35+ years
-70, -76, -82.3, -88.3, -94.3, 94,3+ kg and absolute category
Male Seniors Blue/Purple/Brown/Black Belts 35+ years
-70, -76, -82.3, -88.3, -94.3, -100,5, 100,5+ kg and absolute category
Female Seniors 35+ years
-64, 64+ kg and absolute category
Male Seniors 45+ years
-82,3, 82,3+ kg
Female Seniors 45+ years
Absolute category
The Senior Finnish Open is for athletes born in 1983 or before. The athlete is NOT required to have had his/her 36th birthday before the competition. Fighting in the Senior category does NOT prevent competing in the adult category in other FBJJF tournaments.
The FBJJF sponsors the male colored belt champions (7 pcs), all the male absolute category champions (2 pcs) and the female absolute category champions (2 pcs) with 100 euros for the traveling costs to the IBJJF European Open 2020. The FBJJF sponsorship is for the individual athlete and may not be transferred or sold.
All athletes who compete in their weight categories are eligible to register for the absolute category. Absolute category registration opens at the competition arena, and only weight category registration is available prior to the competition.
If the athlete is the only one in the weight category, he/she can retract the registration before the competition day and will be refunded. In this case, competing in the open weight category is not allowed.
Weigh-in will be with the kimono right before the first fight. If a fighter does not make the weight, he/she will be disqualified.
Allowed kimono colors are white, blue and black. The jacket and the pants must be of the same color. Allowed patch locations can be found on the IBJJF website.
IBJJF official rules at
Male Seniors Blue/Purple/Brown/Black Belt categories will be fought under Blue Belt rules.
Female Seniors categores will be fought under White Belt rules.
Note: An athlete proven to be a black belt in judo, have competition experience in freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling at the nationals level (* In the USA, to have competed at a college level or higher) or to have fought MMA as a professional or amateur at the level of national championship or any international championship, shall not be allowed to enter any FBJJF tournament as a white belt.
By enrolling in this competition the athlete agrees to follow the antidoping guidelines set by the Finnish Antidoping Agency (FINADA) and the rules of the Finnish Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (FBJJF).
Jokainen kilpailija on velvoitettu ymmärtämään ja noudattamaan Suomen antidopingsäännöstä sekä sen periaatteita: .
Juvenile categories: 5 min
Senior categories: 5 min
Participation fees depend on the date of enrollment.
25 € until October 6th
35 € until October 13th
45 € until October 20th
Fees must be paid upon enrollment. You may change your category or cancel your registration until the last day of enrollment. The participation fee will be refunded only for a medical certification and if the organization has been informed of the cancellation before the first day of competition. The last enrollment day is Sunday October 20th, 2019.
The competition organizer does NOT insure the fighters.
For Finns: Kaikilla kilpailuihin osallistuvilla suomalaisilla tulee olla SBJJL:n lisenssi vuodelle 2019.
Spectator fee is 10€/day. Tickets with a discount can found from the web site.
Janne Maunonen, president of the FBJJF competition committee
Saturday October 26th, 2019
The Senior matches will begin once the Juniors Cup and the No-Gi Juvenile Nationals have been completed. The Juniors Cup starts at 10 am (it will take around 2-3 hours) and the matches will rotate on three fight areas. Be on time on the venue.
The senior categories will be fought from the smaller weight categories towards the larger ones.
Male Seniors 35y+ white belts
Male Seniors 35y+ colored belts
Female Seniors 35y+
Male Seniors 45y+
Female Seniors 45y+
No tickets
Men Seniors White Belts 35y+
Men Seniors Colored Belts 35y+
Men Seniors 45y+
Women Seniors 45y+
Women Seniors 35y+
Men Seniors White Belts 35y+
Men Seniors Colored Belts 35y+
-76 kg
- Igor Tolmachev-Shustov, Titan jiu jitsu
- Antti Kajaste, Takado 4
- Sergio Fernandez Rodriguez, GB Gym 2 1
- Janne Kunnas, GB Gym 1 2
- Tero Markkanen, Pieksämäki Fight Club 1
- Simo Aho, Järvenpään Kehäkarhut
- Timo Laitinen, GB Gym 6
- Henry Kärki, GB Gym 4
- Petri Saarentaus, Fight For Fun 1
- Aleksandr Keinänen, Orion's Belt 1 2 13
- Teemu Jäppinen, Helsingin Itsepuolustuskoulu
Open Class
- Jari Kantanen, Kachi-Kan ry 4 3
- Antti Kurittu, Loop Jiu-Jitsu 1
- Juha Timberg, Järvenpään Kehäkarhut 2
- Joni Suojärvi, Delariva Finland 1
- Pauli Selkee, Tampereen Jujutsukoulu 2
- Tatu Piispanen, GB Gym 7 6
- Ari Norrbacka, Kuopion Gladiator Factory
- Risto Pajula, BJJ Vaasa 4
- Tatu Petersen-Jessen, Crest - Professional Fighting Center 2
- Yamato Yoshida, Crest - Professional Fighting Center 1 19 3
- Kristjan Mäe, GB Gym 3 9 4
- Erkka Pehkonen, Tampereen Jujutsukoulu 27 1
- Hannu Tapio, Tampereen Jujutsukoulu
Men Seniors 45y+
Women Seniors 45y+
Women Seniors 35y+
Total: 104 fighters.
GB Gym 11
Helsingin Itsepuolustuskoulu 8
Turun Ju-jutsuseura 6
Crest - Professional Fighting Center 6
Fight For Fun 5
Järvenpään Kehäkarhut 5
Takado 4
Tampereen Jujutsukoulu 4
Ahjo Training Center 4
Heracles 4
Polar Jiu Jitsu Team 3
Nokian Kamppailu-Urheilijat ry 3
Hangon Hyrskyt 3
Loop Jiu-Jitsu 3
BJJ Vaasa 3
MMA Imatra 3
Jyväskylän Fight Club 2
Barreto Helsinki 2
Gracie Barra Kouvola 2
Pieksämäki Fight Club 2
Strela Team 2
Strela team 2
MMA Vantaa 1
MMA Team 300 1
Combat Academy of Finland 1
Savate Club Helsinki 1
MMA Seinäjoki 1
Sisu Gym 1
3D Treening 1
Delariva Finland 1
MMA Rovaniemi 1
Kachi-Kan ry 1
Finnfighters Gym 1
Titan jiu jitsu 1
Kuopion Gladiator Factory 1
Orion's Belt 1